"It is offensive to me that you liken your obesity to cancer. Cancer strikes without warning, often through not fault of the person. Obesity however is brought on by the actions of the person.
We do not choose cancer, we do however choose what we put in our mouths.
I also can assure you that there is no such thing as a healthy obese person. That is in itself an oxy-moron. Health and obesity do not go together.
I am sorry if this sounds harsh but it's the truth it's not ment to hurt. We all need a bit of the truth now and then."
First of all, I do apologize that you find yourself offended. However, this is MY blog, MY own portrayal of MY journey. It contains MY opinions on how it feels to live in MY shoes. I do not write to offend (or at least I didn't until today). I apologize to you, dear "anonymous", even though you either clearly did not read my blog post - or you can't understand english. Either way, I encourage you to try one or the other - then think about what you said - and then see if you would still write the same comment. (Don't bother updating me, I'm not holding my breath.)
See, your viewpoint is precisely the same one that I've encountered my whole life. You judge my writing without obviously having read it, just like you likely would judge me physically without getting to know me. I doubt that you know the burden of obesity, but if you do - you are incredibly ill-informed and I encourage you to learn more.
Let me lay this out plain and simple for you, because I'm thinking that you need it to be plain and simple.
1. I never compared my obesity to cancer. My point was that I (like many others) have sadly taken a diagnosis of obesity with a grain of salt, yet I would fight a diagnosis such as cancer with every fibre of my being.
2. Cancer does OFTEN strike without warning, however certain diseases (ironically enough, such as obesity) can increase the chances of certain types.
3. As for cancer being the fault of the person... well, unless you're a complete idiot then you are just misguided. No, no one deserves to get cancer. But some people (like smokers, sun-worshippers, or - ironically again - obese people - are knowingly at higher risk; yet they still continue to indulge). And I'm lumping myself in that group, just so you know.
4. Obesity is not always caused by the actions of the person. I'm not sure what cave you crawled out of (and clearly this time around, I don't really care if I offend you just in case you missed the sarcasm that is dripping from my fingers as I type), but some people have battled things like genetic makeup, medications, metabolic issues, and other diseases that can have a negative impact on their weight.
5. Likewise, no - we do not all choose cancer - but for some people battling obesity is so much more than just battling what we put in our mouths. I don't know a soul on this planet who would knowingly choose to fight a food addiction either.
6. As for what you can assure me regarding health and obesity, let's just say I'm willing to bet it is less than educated or medically sound. Of course there are many obese people who suffer comorbidities such as diabetes and high blood-pressure, but let me tell you that there are obese people who are clinically healthier than those with lower BMIs. For what it is worth I can assure you that despite my weight, I appear to be much healthier than the majority of the average-sized (or even thin) people that my GP sees. I'm not gloating - I desperately want to change... but I will most definitely do so without the benefits of whatever "knowledge" you have. If you want to get into a pissing contest regarding the comparative medical health of the obese versus the non-obese, email me your latest blood work results and we can compare notes.
Last but not least, I am sorry if this sounds harsh - but as you said "we all need a bit of the truth now and then." I really don't know if you are just a poorly informed creature, if you just popped down to earth from the mother ship, or if you just mistook my words - but I have enough on my mind these days without worrying about you.
PS... Please, I beg you - before you comment on anything else - at least make an attempt to read what it is that you decide to comment about.
That is all.
Well said friend. There is a great deal of truth in that the only real knowledge that can be imparted from a person who feels they need/should/can 'educate' others with their version of truth, is to be happy that every person isn't that ignorant.
ReplyDeleteIf you are going to write a blog and put it out for the world to see then expect people to have a difference of opinion.
ReplyDeleteAttacking who I am as a person and my ability to understand english is a very school yard approach if you want to debate what I wrote. You say I would judge you if I saw you in person when you are infact judging me. Who is better than who?
I agree with you that a SMALL percent of people who are obese got there through little to no fault of thier own however the LARGE majority of people who are obese did it the good old fashioned way. Bad choices and no exercise. We can blame our childhood, failed relationships, feeling of self-loathing however it was still a choice and there are many out there who have had the same problems, gone through the same things and are not obese.
You say you are so desperate to change...but are you really. Or are you desperate to have people comment on your wonderful and enlighting posts and compliment you on your ability to put the struggle into words instead of having people weigh in with a real opinion. If you are so desperate as you say then why have you not stuck to a plan. You say WW was not "right" for you maybe you don't want to be held accountable for your choices. Maybe you prefer to be coddled
I also can assure you that at 400ish lbs you are not healthier nor do you appear healthier than your average sized or thin counter part. You are fooling yourself. Maybe that's why you have not made a change and stuck with it.
I am an alien because I don't agree with everything you post. Im fine with that if that's how you want to play...pretty sad however for a woman comming into her 40's is it?....to have to be so childish.
If all you want is positive feedback then don't blog. Not everyone is going to agree with you. That's life.
Just so you know...I struggled with weight most of my life and made a decision to give up all excuses and get on with it. I am VERY educated...by way of books and life. I would write the same comment over and over again and would not change a word.
To many people just want to hear the good and not the bad. Before you judge me walk in my shoes...I dare you. I suggest you get real and get over yourself. Time to be honest don't you think?
I published this so that others can see it and feel free to comment.
ReplyDeleteI neither desire to be coddled or applauded.
Have a nice day, anonymous.
I'll sneak in here and give you a quiet applause :)
DeleteI never read the other post as obesity being the same as cancer.
I never got the impression that HP needed to be coddled or applauded. Truth be told, whether you compare obesity to cancer or high blood pressure or anything else, it IS a disease. For whatever reason that you do have that disease (and frankly, it is none of our business unless one is willing to share), the point of the previous blog was not to lessen the seriousness of cancer. Do all cancer victims smoke? No of course not. Do all obese people eat too much? Again, no, of course not. The reason why one gets cancer or why one is obese is personal to the make up of that person and that person alone. Be it environmental, social, physical, economical, sexual or physiological. For her own personal reasons, 'anonymous' took the cancer example as very personal..... Please accept one more comment from me: last week, I watched the tv show 'my 600lb life'. It follows a morbidly obese person for 7 years. On the one I watched, there was a woman who was 650lbs. Apart from the obesity, she was still very healthy and did not have any major illnesses....yet. This is just one example of how obese people can remain healthy for many many years. It is testimony to our body as to how it forgives and will indeed fight to keep itself healthy despite the weight issues. Life and our own personal battles are tough enough without taking offense to something written on a blog. To anonymous and to anyone else I would kindly suggest to simply stop reading the blog if you do not agree with it..... Life is way to short (and at times complicated enough) without getting stressed over a blog written by a stranger.....
ReplyDeleteI am sorry but I just have to comment on this. I have followed your blog while being on WW and I can promise those out there that not every posting was written as if you were wearing rose colored glasses. What disturbs me the most is that someone takes the time to read your blog and then takes even more time to write comments that are hurtful and basically a verbal attack.
ReplyDeleteThis is your blog...your right to comment on your struggles or challenges, your successes and dreams. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO ATTACK YOU or for that matter PREACH ABOUT HOW WRONG YOU ARE!! If you don't like the blog just stop reading and move on. Trust us darlin, the world will continue to spin without you opening your hole and telling everyone what you think. I read this blog because I see someone who struggles, who is upfront and honest with herself. I am commenting today because I think that the person who needs to comment or voice her opinion in the manner that "thing" did was unacceptable. If you can't encourage, cheer or just listen then stay off this blog.
As I pointed out yesterday, I think Anonymous completely misread the blog entry and took it in a totally unnecessary direction. I think she did it again today. But online we all have the right to be stupid. That's OK.
ReplyDeleteHP, don't hate on haters - they won't change. It's clear that Anonymous has an agenda and there is no reasoning with that.
After struggling with my weight for years (trying to lose 100+ pounds for the last 8 years), I'm finally succeeding (almost 40 down). And almost every damn day someone will try to explain to me what I'm doing wrong, and how this is my fault, and how they are somehow superior.
This is your life, and you have to fight for it in your own way. What some bag of feminine hygiene product says on a blog should not get your down.
Wow. You have a public blog, you shouldn't be so rattled if someone disagrees with you.
ReplyDeleteHotty, Anonymous isn't worth the effort of getting upset. I know listening to this ignorance is infuriating but truly, don't give her an audience. There's much, much, MUCH more I could say but like I said, I'm not wasting my energy. And Linette obviously doesn't get it either. It's not 'someone disagreeing with you', it's the condescension shown to bigger people that's frustrating.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you're blogging again, I've missed it and followed you from WW. I 'truly' relate to your journey.