I'm in the home stretch now - counting down the days before I pack my bags and head down south next week. I'm looking forward to getting to the sunshine, and I'm especially looking forward to visiting some of my favourite restaurants - with a plan for continued success of course. I'm actually going to be packing my magic bullet blender and protein powder in my bags so that I can have at least one shake or smoothie a day. Even though the fluid restriction will have ended, I'm going to keep tracking my calories, intake, and protein so that I can keep myself in a state of preparation for changing my life.
The one negative thing about the fluids is that when your diet is based on fluid, you end up using the washroom a lot more frequently. The first couple of nights it was not unusual for me to have to get up during the night four or five times to use the washroom. Oh well - at least I wasn't up with indigestion from cramming too much junk into my gut!
Speaking of indigestion, I haven't had so much as a single solitary Tum or Rolaid since this started. I'm going to stick with water and not return to diet pop.
I learned this week that big changes start with little steps, so I'm hoping to at least be able to remember to take those little steps everyday. This liquid phase is only part of the preparation for surgery, and not a diet that can be maintained long-term. But it feels real good to have gotten this far and done so well.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll make it this time. Just imagine the possiblities! For now I'll keep loving myself enough to watch what I'm eating, and make sure that I'm getting the basic nutritional needs in every day. I'll track, count calories and protein, and eat 3 meals a day. And I'll keep thinking positive and focus on the fact that my life can truly change - if I have the courage to let it!
Glad to have found you again HP!! I enjoyed reading your blogs over at WW. I too am having difficulty getting back on track..quite a train wreck over Christmas seaon, then a cruise in January, baked 1000 (yes one thousand!!!) cookies for my future d-i-l's bridal shower in February then another 2 week cruise...maybe I am just extremely weak, but all that food seems so overwhelming despite my good intentions. I am now 10 lbs heavier than before Christmas and tomorrow I get measured by the seamstress for my mother of the groom dress (wedding May 12th)..sigh..my own fault I know. I am praying (yes praying) for the strength to stay OP. I am back to aquafit classes 5 times a week (double classes twice a week) and walking the dog for about an hour a day. What I need to do is get to bed and get some zzzzz..not enough causes you to gain weight and I only average about 5 hrs/night. I wish you luck HP and I will be following your success story. Keep up the good work and your spirits!