I have my clinical appointment this coming week and am very interested in what else I will learn about the procedure (vertical sleeve gastrectomy).
My body has responded very well to the fluids. I've enjoyed making different smoothies and soups - made a killer curry peach soup tonight with a few modifications for calories and fat. It was the best soup I've ever had - and I made it!
It has been a learning experience for sure - and I have realized how wrong my previous eating habits were. The mindless eating has been a major pitfall for me. I realize now that I didn't really focus for much of my life on when I ate, what I ate... and how much of it I ate. I've realized this week too that I tend to want to eat when I'm bored.
My emotional attachment to food will not be something I can likely quit cold-turkey (again no pun intended). But having had such strict guidelines this past week has made me see exactly what would have triggered me to grab something and stick it in my mouth. Thank god for gum, because I think I seriously would have had to invest in a pacifier.
My body feels different. My dear Hubby can feel a difference when he puts his arms around me, and I can feel it too! I have had tonnes of energy, I've felt full after a meal (even just a bowl of oatmeal or soup), and I haven't had any reflux or had to take as much as a Tum or Rolaid. Even better, I crave things like soup and smoothies now, so that makes all of this so much easier.
I admit though I'm looking forward to chewing on something solid next week! You know it's bad when you find yourself staring at The Dog with envy as she chews on a dehydrated piece of the business end of a bull...
Well HP whatever path you choose to take, I hope you have success. You deserve it. Good luck...