It was a rough day for me yesterday.
Last month I was pretty sure that I had become pregnant. I was patiently (ok, not really patiently) doing for the 2WW... which is lingo for the "two week wait" which is the hallmark of many couples who are trying to conceive. Basically it is the two weeks post ovulation leading up to the arrival of one's menstrual cycle. I know, I know. TMI... but there you have it.
I had some of the symptoms that I have read about online. My ability to smell anything from cough drops to fruit being peeled increased dramatically. I was irritable at times, and also had a bit of cramping. My boobs (again TMI, sorry) were tender. And my appetite was wonky.
I found myself starting to do all sorts of things one would do if she found herself pregnant. I day dreamed about nurseries, names, and offspring. I fantasized about my dear Hubby holding his child for the first time. In the meanwhile, I painted a mural in the nursery of our dear friend who is expecting her first child soon, and I secretly spent the whole time thinking of what I would paint on the walls of our own nusery...
Then low and behold, 3 days prior to the arrival of dear Auntie Flo (which would have meant testing time!) I no longer needed to test. I suddenly found myself heartbroken. I felt like curling into a ball on the bathroom floor, but I didn't.
I'm not sure if I had what is known as a chemical pregnancy (which is a pregnancy that ends in the very early stages), or if I was never pregnant in the first place and just had my period early. Either way, it was rough.
I kept most of this inside. After all, how can I honestly grieve when I don't even know if I was pregnant? Hubby has a million things on the go, and I felt like I couldn't burden him with the depths of my heartbreak. It didn't even really make a whole lot of sense to me, so I dealt with it the best way I could. I talked to a close friend and also a coworker. Then I did my best to move on.
Along came Mother's day, and it hit me. Next Mother's Day I'll be 40. I know that people are now having kids into their 40s, but let's be honest here: time is a ticking.
I feel like the sand is falling through the hourglass at a fast rate and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
Some of you have asked me about adoption. There is a 10 year waitlist where I live, and it is sadly against the law to advertise for a baby. Foster parenting is a great idea, except I'm pretty sure that I would not be able to give a child back. Overseas adoptions require a lot of money, and some of them even choose not to adopt to overweight or obese parents.
I spent half of my adult life actively trying NOT to have kids and literally thanking God when Aunt Flo arrived to confirm that I had not become pregnant... Now, I would give anything to have the opportunity to give it a shot. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?
I guess it goes to show you that life can change. I've handled major changes before, and seen them as opportunities to move on in a new direction.
The problem I'm now facing is that I just can't see past my burning desire to have a child... I can't imagine not having a baby... and I don't want to move in a direction that means not having one. I used to find myself saying things like "when God closes a door He opens a window" and yet I honestly can't imagine what kind of window could open if I am not a mother.
I'm just realizing that part of me actually did curl into the fetal position last month, and that as much as I've tried to avoid grieving because it didn't seem logical, it doesn't change the fact that I still need to grieve - even if it is just for the opportunity that passed and for what wasn't.
Yet again this month I'll continue this dreaded dance of trying, wishing, hoping, praying, and waiting.
This much I know: trying to conceive is an intensely personal thing, which has emotions as deep as the ocean. Many couples struggle with this, and yet they often suffer in silence.
It is very easy for me to suffer in silence as well, however I must choose to move on as best I can, which is the very reason that I am writing this post today.
To all of you mothers out there, hope you had a happy Mother's day. I hope to one day be celebrating with you all. This time around it just wasn't meant to be.
I can feel your pain and your desire..... What more can I say... :(
Thanks hon. Thankfully now the pain has gone. At least with each month there is another chance...
Dear Hottie..I won't say that I know how you feel, because those feelings are yours, however I went through a similar experience. All of our friends were having babies, my sister in law was pregnant and each month I cried when "Aunt Flo" came for a visit. One month I thought for sure I was pregnant and on the 5th day after Aunt Flo was suppose to arrive, she did...I cried to myself for days. I ended up at the hospital as we were out of town and I was bleeding so heavily that hubby was worried. The doctor thought that I had miscarried and he said it wasn't anything to be concerned about, just forget it and go on with life. I could have punched him!! Anyways, 2 months later I was pregnant and after a healthy pregnancy and a very scary delivery (emergency surgery post delivery as I hemmorhaged) the doctor told me that I would probably not be able to get pregnant again.(tipped uterus, some scarring etc.) Three months later (yes 3!!) I was pregnant again! I had 4 children in 3 1/2 years (no twins). I was quite heavy (at least 100 lbs overweight) and all the doctors told me I had to lose weight etc. I didn't and everything was fine. This Mother's Day I cried as my baby got married the day before and I was missing him. He and his bride called from their honeymoon destination to wish me Happy Mother's day and sent flowers. So, do not give up. Put your faith the "powers to be", be fair and kind to yourself and hubby and love him dearly. I do believe that when one door closes another will open. Do not let getting pregnant consume your life. The anxiety and pressure that you put on yourself is not healthy and is actually counter productive. The "harder" you try, the less chance you have of getting pregnant. I know it is hard, but try to forget about trying to get pregnant...I can remember the temperature taking, plotting ovulation times, not letting my husband go away with the boys as it was ovulation time. That doctor in ER so many years ago was right...relax, forget about trying so hard and what is meant to happen will. My prayers are with you.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the support! I am trying very hard not to try so hard hahaha. I'm beginning to think that all of this planning is for the birds, and that what will be will literally be or not be. I'm just hoping that it WILL BE. Thanks.
DeleteHey there HP
ReplyDeleteBeen following your blog since WW, my name is Melissa (melissasomerton on WW).
I've been feeling the same way the past few months with trying to conceive, it is heatbreaking when Aunt Flo comes to visit when you sure you were. Had a few bouts of it and get incrediably down when it happens. It's nearing that time for me (3 days before the visitor normally arrives) so wish me luck and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi there... I will most definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well. Perhaps one of these days we will be comparing notes on feedings and diaper rash... keep your chin up!
Unfortunately, Mother Nature gave me a very unwanted gift *shakes fist* It was a very weird monthly visit that only last 2 days and was barely anything, so still convinced I was pregnant, I took another test this morning (A week later) and no baby :(
DeleteHope things are going well with you. WHEN (not if :P) the babies come we will most definitely have to exchange notes, and maybe a playdate :P You're in Newfoundland if I recall correctly? I am as well :) Another month, another opprotunity!