Sunday, 22 April 2012

Hum Drum No More

It is an awesome thing to realise that even at my age, it is possible to discover talents within that have not really been recognised. 

I recently did a week-end workshop with an artist, and I was able to cultivate my artistic talents a great deal.  This is the second workshop I have done, and I must say it was great to come away feeling like I had talent!

Have you ever felt like one day of your life just blends into the next?  That you wake up, hit the alarm clock, go about your day, go to bed, and repeat the routine over and over again without a sense of purpose or definition?

I've never had depression, but I have definitely felt the "hum drum" feeling of a repetitious life without highlights.  When one day blends into the next, it does little to make one feel like there is a purpose to your existence.

Picasso I'm not.  I'm not even a close to Warhol and his Campbell's Soup painting. 
Its the same way that when I sing I'm not Adele or Bette Midler...


Having the guts to get out there and try - that's what really counts.

I may never have a piece hanging in a gallery, or a song on the top-10 charts, but as long as I pursue my talents and interests then I am guaranteed a life that will end up to be a little less hum-drum and a lot more pleasing than not.

I've always had a healthy amount of self-confidence in some ways.  I wonder sometimes if I had to develop that approach to combat my own self-defeating approach based on my size.

It makes me wonder also if I successfully become "gutless", will I still have "guts"?  

I hope that whatever the future has in store for me-  I will be able to navigate it with the same (if not better) confidence and talents.

Get out there and find something that you are interested in but don't think that you could do.  You really won't know that you can't do it unless you try it.  I have a feeling that there might be skeletons in most of our closets that are based on things we think we can't do, but they are really things that we just haven't had the guts to try...

Maybe you will realise that you CAN hum, you CAN drum, you CAN cook, you CAN draw, or that you can do something that you've always wanted to do. 

I've got plenty of "guts" to go around if you need some...

1 comment:

  1. I CAN knit! And yes, I discovered this as an adult. The extra bonus is that now when I watch TV I knit instead of snacking. It's been a tremendous help in my efforts to get to a healthy weight.
    I think also when we are so focused on monumental goals such as weight loss, or motherhood, we forget that these things do not define us. They are important, but they are not everything. We need things like art, cooking, travelling, etc, to make us complete.
