Sunday, 1 July 2012

Hurry Up and Wait

Guess who is pregnant???

Nope, not me, not at least that I know of yet... but one of my favourite singers: Adele.
In my next life I'm coming back as a backup singer for her...

Adele, if you're reading this, congrats my dear!  I won't lie, I'm totally jealous, but I'm looking forward to your Nursery Album release party.  Oh yes, I would be honored to attend your baby shower!  Any chance you need a mural painted in your nursery (or a backup singer)?  Have your people call my people and we will make plans...

So... today, July 2, is day 32 of my cycle.  Gulp.  My average cycle length is 29 days.

Symptoms?  Well, seeing as you asked...
  • tender breasts
  • fatigue... as in extreme fatigue... like I could nap all night and all day
  • headaches every now and again
  • funky abdominal twinges and very minor occasional discomfort
  • nausea
  • weird aversion to food texture - brand new
  • irritability; although this seems to have settled just a smidgeon
And, of course, George has not knocked on the door.  I stuck my head out the window, but I don't even see him coming down the street...

I know that those symptoms could mean that I'm in a motherly way, OR that they could mostly be due to the pending arrival of George.  Told you he was a mother-effer.

So, the only news is that I now have a really weird and freakish aversion to food based on texture, which I have never had before.  For example, yesterday I actually had to spit out a forkful of lemon mirengue pie because the consistency of the mirengue was making me sick to look at.  I can assure you that I have never in my life found myself having any thoughts about the texture of food, let alone an aversion to it... and I likewise have certainly never spit out a bit of pie.  The look on Hubby's face was pretty much priceless...

I have a hard time swallowing anything that I'm eating.  If I think about the food too much, it's like my body is sending me the signals to upchuck it back up.  I can only eat a little before this kicks in, which means that for the most part I'm unable to finish a meal now.

I'm sitting here with the burning urge to pee again.  Oh yes - add that to the list.  Frequent peeing.  Just call me Seabiscuit.  While this could be due to pregnancy, it can also be due to the fact that I'm focusing on staying hydrated even more than usual.

I'm also sitting here with the burning urge to google more baby names or read more stories of people who have actually been pregnant with 2 negative tests done at home... BUT... I'm giving myself a break.  After all, I don't want to dwell in the land of stress!

The fact is, George will either show or not.  Either way, I have to book an appointment with my Doctor to either confirm these rumors OR seek medical assistance if I am not pregnant.  It has been 6 months now, and with my "advanced maternal age" of 39, it's time to get this show on the road if it isn't already.

So, with that, I'm going to have a nice shower and retreat to my freshly-laundered bed. I've also had the strong urge to do housework,  however that may be due to the fact that the housework is long overdue...

I will keep you posted.


  1. This is all sounding reeeeeeally promising !!! Wouldn't it be great if you and Adele ( who I totally picture you looking like) we preggers at the same time ? Can't wait to hear the impending great POAS results that I just KNOW are coming !
    ~Allison ( a WW buddy)

    1. Thanks, but no dice. Not only do I look nothing like the ravishing Adele, but I'm also sadly not preggers.
      Thanks for the support though!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Jeannette. George showed up today, so I'm not pregnant, but I guess at least I spat out that pie. XO
