Heading out for a road-trip to celebrate the anniversary of wedded bliss with Hubby.
Yup - truest words ever typed. Not in a spayed/neutered kind of way...
I went to the immunologist/allergist/naturopath and got tested over 2 sessions for 322 foods.
I am allergic to 106 of them.
(Doing my happy dance again while I type).
I guess it sounds funny to celebrate being allergic to that many foods, however it gives me the much needed answer - and now allows me to eat and drink without the drama of forceful regurgitation and the hell of constant indigestion. I've been living these past months like I had food poisoning while my poor little stomache tried to constantly deal with foods that it was reacting to. These allergies were not caused by my sleeve, however the fact that my stomache size has been drastically reduced means that my reaction was concentrated and made worse. UGH - like I needed anything to be worsened LOL!
Even better: none of the allergies are anaphylactic. My reaction is stomache-sickness.
This means I don't need to carry around a multitude of epi-pens.
The bestest news ever: I am eating SO well that I actually gained a pound and a half last week.
(Not that I want to or intend to gain, but I have been rejoicing at the mere fact that I have been eating too well!).
Anyhow - I must run and pack my bags. Yes, I also have to take along food that I can eat - but at least there IS food that I can eat!
I'll post more when we get back - I promise!
Just wanted to put it out there that I'm doing marvellous for the first time in a looooong time.
XO from HP